Facts about Earth and the universe
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34 articles
The Moon, Earth's only natural satellite, is a fascinating world of its own. Composed of a crust, mantle, and core, it lacks an atmosphere and remains the sole celestial body where humans have set foot. Not only that, but the Moon's influence on Earth is significant and far-reaching, affecting everything...
The Earth's atmosphere is the thinnest and outermost layer surrounding our planet. It consists of a blend of gases in varying amounts, essential for sustaining life. In addition to these gases, the atmosphere contains suspended liquid and solid particles, which can come from natural sources or human activities.
Mars is the fourth planet from the Sun in our Solar System and is often referred to as the "Red Planet" due to its reddish appearance, which is caused by iron oxide, or rust, on its surface. It's about half the size of Earth and has a thin atmosphere composed mostly of carbon dioxide. As our understanding...
Water is an indispensable part of our lives, from our homes and workplaces to industries and agriculture. Its quality is crucial for both society and the environment. The collective body of water on Earth is known as the hydrosphere, which exists in three states: solid, liquid, and gas.
This article by thedailyECO...
Seawater is salty because of the high concentration of different dissolved salts it contains. Historically, there have been various theories as to the high salinity of water, such as that posed by Edmund Halley in the 18th century. While he was correct that dissolved minerals and salts run off through...
The Earth is a planet of extremes, with temperatures ranging from the icy poles to scorching deserts. While many of us seek relief from the heat, there are places on our planet where the mercury consistently climbs to unimaginable heights. Whether it's the record-breaking surface temperatures of the...
The aurora australis are a natural phenomenon that occurs in the polar regions of the southern hemisphere, similar to the aurora borealis in the northern hemisphere. This phenomenon occurs when charged particles from the solar wind interact with the Earth's magnetic field, generating a display of lights...
Our planet is a place of breathtaking beauty, but it also harbors some truly extreme environments. From scorching deserts to isolated islands, these locations challenge the limits of human endurance. This article dives into the heart of Earth's most dangerous places, revealing the beauty and raw power...
Point Nemo, also known as the Pacific Pole of Inaccessibility, stands as one of Earth's most isolated locations. Imagine a place on Earth so remote, no landmass interrupts the horizon for thousands of kilometers in any direction. In fact, its closest human visitors are astronauts aboard the International...
The Northern Lights, also known as the Aurora Borealis, are light natural phenomena. They appear as ribbons, streaks, spirals, or flowing curtains of light, most commonly in shades of green, but also red, purple, and white. These light displays, often seen in polar regions, are not only visually stunning but...
Did you know that even though Earth is mostly water, only a tiny amount is the kind we can drink? Our planet is covered in vast oceans filled with salty water, but have you ever wondered why the sea is salty? The answer has to do with what's dissolved in the water and how the sun plays a sneaky trick.
The daily spectacle of sunrise and sunset, with its breathtaking colors and shifting shadows, has captivated humanity for millennia. But have you ever stopped to consider the science behind this seemingly simple phenomenon? The truth is, the Sun's daily journey across the sky is not due to the Sun itself...
The hybrid eclipse is a fascinating celestial phenomenon that goes beyond its visual allure. During this event, the Moon and Sun exhibit a unique interplay, showcasing both an "annular ring" and, in certain locations, a brief moment of "total darkness." Apart from its captivating appearance, the hybrid eclipse...
The asthenosphere is a layer of the upper mantle of Earth located below the lithosphere. Despite the great difficulty in accessing the various layers of the Earth, the geographical sciences have allowed us insight into the different layers which make up the Earth. The three main parts are the Earth's crust,...
The different types of solar and lunar eclipses are total solar eclipse, partial solar eclipse, annular solar eclipse, total lunar eclipse, partial lunar eclipse and hybrid eclipses. Eclipses are phenomena that have intrigued humanity throughout history. They are astronomical events in which a celestial...
If you could venture to the world's coldest locations, where would you choose to go? From the icy expanses of Antarctica to the frozen tundras of Siberia, these places boast some of the most extreme and captivating landscapes our planet has to offer. However, a word of caution: these destinations are not...
The troposphere is the lowest layer of Earth's atmosphere and is also the most important layer of the atmosphere for life on Earth. It contains the air we breathe and the water vapor that forms clouds and precipitation. The troposphere also plays a vital role in regulating the planet's climate. However,...
The different layers of the sun are the core, radiative zone, convective zone, photosphere, chromosphere and corona. Each of them has a specific function and certain characteristics that distinguish them. The sun is the largest and closest star to our planet, located 93 million miles (150 million km) from...
The different galaxy types include spiral galaxies, elliptical galaxies, irregular galaxies, dwarf galaxies, lenticular galaxies and interacting galaxies. Galaxies are enormous collections of gas, dust, stars and dark matter. They are joined together thanks to gravity, collectively forming parts of the known...
It is no secret that the Perseid meteor shower, also referred to as the tears of Saint Lawrence, is one of the most popular events in August. The spectacle unfolds as Earth crosses the path of Comet Swift-Tuttle, intersecting its orbit. Consequently, particles of dust and debris from the comet's wake...
A supermoon is a type of moon which can elicit great wonder in those who observe them. Frequent stargazers will notice the Moon changes in phases. Although our Moon itself never changes shape, the amount visible to us on Earth is variable. When the side of the Moon facing our planet Earth is fully illuminated...
The Earth, our home in the vastness of the universe, is a dynamic and vibrant planet in constant motion. The Earth's movements play a fundamental role in our daily lives and the grand tapestry of nature. From its rhythmic rotation on its axis that makes day and night possible, to its graceful dance around...
The moon has held a significant place in the hearts and minds of people throughout history. As the brightest object in our night sky, it has guided travelers and sailors for ages. Its changing phases have been celebrated across cultures, inspiring myths and legends of lunar deities and transformation....
Uranus is the seventh planet in the solar system and it has 27 moons. When we compare this to Earth's paltry one moon, it may seem like a lot. However, this doesn't mean Uranus is the planet with the most moons. This honor belongs to Saturn which has at least 124 traditional moons. Moons are natural satellites...
Although we may associate rings most with the planet Saturn, Neptune has five rings called Galle, Le Verrier, Lassell, Arago and Adams. Characterized by its intense blue color and its winds that are stronger than hurricanes, Neptune is the planet in our solar system furthest from the Sun. Study of this planet...
Throughout the history of human exploration, our fascination with celestial bodies has driven us to uncover the secrets of the cosmos. Mars, often referred to as the "Red Planet," has held a special place in our collective imagination. In addition to its reddish hue and its potential as a future human...
The mesosphere, which lies between the stratosphere and the thermosphere, is an important layer of the Earth's atmosphere. Although the mesosphere is less talked about compared to other atmospheric layers, it plays a critical role in protecting life on Earth by shielding the planet from meteorites. In addition,...
Water is one of the most important substances for life on Earth and covers a large part of the planet's surface. Earth is often called the "blue planet" because of its abundance of water. Earth's total water supply is estimated to be about 1.4 billion cubic kilometers (332.5 million cubic miles). This includes...
We may be aware there are 6 continents into which the Earth's land mass is divided. These are America, Africa, Europe, Asia, Oceania and Antarctica. Although this conformation of land appears to have always been this way, our planet has looked very different across the billions of years of its existence. Different...
Climate refers to the long-term weather patterns of a particular region or area. It is determined by a variety of factors, including latitude, elevation, topography, ocean currents, and atmospheric circulation. Climate plays an important role in shaping the natural environment, including the types of plants...
While our planet is of endless fascination to us and we are yet to discover so much of how it functions, it is only one tiny part of an infinite universe. Thanks to an endless supply of curiosity and various technological advancements, we are also able to find out more about the universe beyond Earth's atmosphere....
An atmosphere is a complex gaseous layer which surrounds different planets and even some planetary satellites. The location and function of the atmosphere help to determine the nature of the planet it surrounds. Earth's atmosphere is special in that it allows life on the planet, something which has...
Although there is no evidence of there being life on the Moon, it is not an exact sphere with a flat surface. The Moon has a fascinating terrain which declares its history with various features. The Moon's surface is so intriguing to us that we have a division of planetary science dedicated to its study...
We tend to think of stars and the sun as being different, but they are actually the same type of object. The main difference between them is their distance from the earth. The sun is a star like any other in form and function, but our sun is special because it allows us to have life on this planet. Without...