Animals in danger of extinction
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5 articles

Ecuador's ecosystems are characterized by their great biodiversity, a biodiversity that is under threat. These threats have multiple causes, but human interference in natural ecosystems is one of the most significant. This includes the direct threats which come as a result of improper land development,...

Although they may not appear very furry, armadillos are a type of mammal. As the name suggests, the giant armadillo is the largest armadillo species, but their larger size doesn't mean they are better protected against threats. Characterized by having a body covered by bony plates called scutes, the...

Some shark species are very populous, but others are facing significant threats in their marine environments. This is due to overfishing, pollution and other dangers to their habitats. Some of the most iconic species of shark are now in varying levels of endangerment, such as the great hammerhead shark (Sphyrna...

Despite often being apex predators in their ecosystem, there are certain crocodile species which are in danger of extinction. This is largely due to human influence on said ecosystems. Destruction of habitat, direct hunting or removal of their prey animals as a food source all contribute to their inability...

The Amazon pink dolphin, scientifically known as Inia geoffrensis, is an aquatic creature well known both in myth and fact. It derives its name from the soft hue that tinges its skin. In addition to its captivating appearance, the pink dolphin plays an integral role in Amazonian ecology and culture. There...