Facts about animals

Do All Animals Feel Pain?

Ulla Rothschuh Osorio
By Ulla Rothschuh Osorio, Biologist. Updated: May 26, 2024
Do All Animals Feel Pain?

The question of whether animals feel pain has long intrigued scientists and philosophers. While a conclusive answer remains elusive, research indicates that animals, ranging from insects to mammals, do indeed experience pain similarly to humans. They possess nociceptors—specialized sensory neurons responsible for detecting stimuli that induce pain. Once activated, these nociceptors send signals to the brain, where the sensations are interpreted as pain. Nevertheless, this pain perception process can differ among various species.

In this thedailyECO article, we'll delve into whether animals experience pain. We'll examine the varied ways different animals perceive pain, how it compares to human pain experiences, and the strategies some animals have developed to increase their pain tolerance.

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  1. Do all animals feel pain?
  2. How does the body and brain perceive and process pain?
  3. How do animals experience pain?
  4. How do naked mole rats perceive pain?
  5. Which other animals have a high pain tolerance?

Do all animals feel pain?

Exploring whether animals experience pain similar to humans is a multifaceted question that continues to intrigue scientists. There isn't a straightforward answer, as different animals might perceive and react to pain differently. Nonetheless, mounting evidence suggests that many animals encounter pain in manners akin to humans.

Physiologically, animals share similar systems involved in pain perception, echoing the ones found in humans. Furthermore, they manifest comparable behavioral responses when in pain, such as vocalizing, withdrawing from the source of discomfort, and protecting the affected area.

Further studies have indicated that animals respond to pain relief much like humans. Instances where animals have been given pain relief in the form of analgesics have shown a reduction in pain-related behaviors, suggesting a positive reaction to pain-alleviating measures.

How does the body and brain perceive and process pain?

Pain is a complex phenomenon that is not fully understood. However, scientists believe that pain works by a process called nociception. Nociception is the detection, transmission, and processing of painful stimuli.

The first step in nociception is the detection of pain by nociceptors. Nociceptors are specialized sensory neurons that are found throughout the body. Nociceptors are activated by a variety of stimuli, including physical damage, heat, and chemicals.

When a nociceptor is activated, it sends a signal to the spinal cord. The spinal cord then relays the signal to the brain. The brain interprets the signal and determines whether or not the pain is harmful.

If the brain determines that the pain is harmful, it will send signals back to the body to initiate a pain response.

Curious about whether plants feel pain? Read our next article to learn more about this fascinating topic.

How do animals experience pain?

Understanding pain perception across various animal groups is a complex but fascinating topic that sheds light on the diverse sensory experiences within the animal kingdom.

Pain perception differs widely among different species, influenced by their neurological structures and behavioral responses. Here's a closer look at pain perception across various animal groups:

Do insects feel pain?

Insects, despite having a simple nervous system, exhibit responses to negative stimuli resembling what would be perceived as dangerous by humans. Known as nociception, it serves as their version of pain recognition, albeit not identical to human pain perception.

Do fish feel pain?

The pain perception of fish is still under scientific scrutiny. Fish may not consciously feel pain due to a lack of a cerebral neocortex. Cartilaginous fish, such as sharks, might lack nociceptors and seemingly do not respond to certain injuries. However, bony fish possess simple nociceptors, but their responses to painful conditions may differ from human experiences.

Do mammals feel pain?

Mammals, including pigs, cows, dogs, and cats, possess neurological similarities to humans, suggesting that their pain experiences might be closest to ours within the animal kingdom. These species exhibit behavioral responses—like vocalization, changes in movement, or guarding of affected areas—that imply a degree of pain perception akin to human experiences.

Do reptiles, amphibians, and birds feel pain?

Reptiles, amphibians, and certain birds lack a highly developed frontal cortex, which limits their ability to consciously interpret pain akin to humans. Despite this, they exhibit analogous brain areas associated with perceiving damage.

More research is needed to understand the full extent of pain perception in animals. This research could help us to develop new and more effective pain treatments for humans and other animals.

How do naked mole rats perceive pain?

The naked mole-rat (Heterocephalus glaber), a burrowing rodent indigenous to East Africa, is renowned for its exceptional social organization and remarkable resilience to pain.

Residing in crowded underground burrows, naked mole-rats face frequent physical contact and potential injuries due to the confined living conditions and the threat of predators. Despite these challenges, they have adapted several mechanisms to manage pain effectively.

Physiologically, naked mole-rats display unique adaptations enabling them to endure pain. Their pain threshold surpasses that of other rodent species, coupled with a heightened concentration of opioid receptors, crucial for regulating pain.

Behaviorally, they engage in extensive mutual grooming, which aids in mitigating pain and reducing inflammation. Their intricate social structure provides communal support and protection, contributing to their resilience against pain and discomfort.

The capacity of naked mole-rats to endure pain is a compelling example of natural selection. It showcases their evolutionary response to the rigors of their environment, enabling them to survive and thrive amidst harsh conditions.

If you're curious about how animals evolved to feel pain in different ways, read our next article on divergent evolution.

Do All Animals Feel Pain? - How do naked mole rats perceive pain?

Which other animals have a high pain tolerance?

There are various species in the animal kingdom besides the mole rat that also exhibit unique methods of managing pain and displaying resilience to challenging conditions.

Some animals, such as elephants, dolphins, and certain bird species, display sophisticated social structures, which may involve protective behaviors towards injured or sick members of their groups. Similarly, some species of sharks have a remarkable ability to heal quickly from injuries due to their resilient immune systems.

Some of these animals include:

  • Cockroaches are another animal with a high pain tolerance. They can survive being decapitated and can even continue to reproduce without a head. Cockroaches also have a thick exoskeleton that helps to protect them from pain.

  • Crocodiles also have a high pain tolerance, and they can often be seen hunting and feeding with injuries that would cripple other animals.

  • Sloths also have a high pain tolerance. Sloths have been observed with serious injuries, such as broken bones and missing limbs, but they often do not seem to be in pain.

  • Sharks: apex predators with a thick hide, high pain threshold, and strong immune system. Can heal from serious injuries quickly.

While not all animals are extensively researched regarding pain tolerance and coping mechanisms, many species demonstrate intriguing adaptations and behaviors that assist them in managing pain and facilitating survival in their environments.

Scientists are still learning about the mechanisms that allow some animals to have such a high pain tolerance. This research could help us to develop new pain treatments for humans and other animals.

To learn more about how animals evolved to feel pain in different ways, read our article on biological adaptation.

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  1. Gibbons, M., Crump, A., Barrett, M., Sarlak, S., Birch, J., & Chittka, L. (2022). Can insects feel pain? A review of the neural and behavioral evidence . Advances in Insect Physiology, 63, 155-229.
  2. Blake, E. (2019 ) Insects feel chronic pain after injury. The University of Sydney. Available at: https://www.sydney.edu.au/news-opinion/news/2019/07/11/thwack--insects-feel-chronic-pain-after-injury.html
  • Singer, Peter (1990). Do animals feel pain? In Peter. Singer (ed.), Animal Liberation. Avon Books.
  • Cell Press. (2016) Why naked mole rats feel no pain . ScienceDaily. Retrieved from: www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2016/10/161011133636.htm
  • Forschungsverbund Berlin eV (2013). Do fish feel pain? Not as humans do, study suggests . ScienceDaily. Available at: www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2013/08/130808123719.htm
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Do All Animals Feel Pain?