Facts about nature

What Is World Snow Day?

Giulia Graziati
By Giulia Graziati, Writer. January 9, 2025
What Is World Snow Day?

World Snow Day is celebrated on the third Sunday of January every year. In 2025, it will be celebrated on 19th January. This day was created with the aim of bringing people closer to winter sports and other recreational activities enjoyed in a snowy terrain. It is also designed to raise awareness of ecosystems related to and reliant on snow. These ecosystems require the cold temperatures that produce snow to ensure the life within them can thrive. If you want to learn more, thedailyECO explains what is World Snow Day?

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  1. When is World Snow Day?
  2. Why is World Snow Day celebrated?
  3. How to celebrate World Snow Day

When is World Snow Day?

World Snow Day is celebrated on the third Sunday of January every year . This date was established by the International Ski and Snowboard Federation (FIS) as part of its ‘Bringing Children to the Snow’ initiative. This initiative aims to encourage families to enjoy outdoor activities during the winter season. Being a worldwide event, it is designed to coincide with winter in the Northern Hemisphere, when conditions are optimal for snow-related sports and activities. This year, World Snow Day will take place on 19th January 2025.

The World Snow Day date does not coincide with the winter season in the Southern Hemisphere. Despite this, many countries in this region have adopted the day to raise awareness about the importance of ecosystems related to snow.

Snow is a natural element that is a fundamental link in the water cycle. It accumulates in the mountains during the winter. As the thaw progressed, the melting snow feeds streams and rivers that supply fresh water to numerous communities and ecosystems. Snow is a very important factor in the planet's climate and the study of its evolution is used to predict the future climate.

As snow is so important to our survival, World Snow Day can help us to remember the following:

  • The melting of the poles means a change in the Earth's axis of rotation.
  • The snow cover that covers the earth reflects a large amount of the sunlight which shines upon it (between 80% and 90%).
  • It is estimated that if all the precipitation produced around the world were in the form of liquid water instead of snow, the average temperature of the poles would increase by between 5 and 10 degrees Celsius.
  • Without snow, glaciers will disappear, drastically reducing the essential reserves of fresh water on our planet.
  • Snow regulates the flow of water bodies such as rivers and ensures the recharge of aquifers.
  • Snow provides a suitable habitat for various animal and plant species.

See why melted snow is so important with our article asking when is World Water Day celebrated?

What Is World Snow Day? - When is World Snow Day?

Why is World Snow Day celebrated?

World Snow Day was created with the aim of bringing people closer to winter sports, especially children and young people. It also helps to support other recreational activities that can be carried out in the snow. This day also seeks to highlight the value of snow on a global level. It does so by promoting key messages:

  • Promotion of winter sports: the International Ski and Snowboard Federation (FIS) sees this day as an opportunity to promote skiing, snowboarding, mountaineering, ice skating and other related sports. These sports are not only fun, but also a way to develop physical skills, improve health and foster teamwork.
  • Environmental education: climate change is drastically affecting the availability of snow due to the increase in the average global temperature. For this reason, World Snow Day also seeks to raise awareness about the need to protect these ecosystems, teaching how human action negatively impacts the environment.
  • Access and participation: this day also has an inclusive approach, with free or low-cost activities in many places so that more people can access these activities regardless of their economic position. Snowing is often an exclusive sport due to the cost of travel, equipment and other expenses, so World Snow Day helps to encourage low-income families in participating.
  • Community fun: beyond the sporting and educational aspects, World Snow Day is a celebration of the joy that winter brings. It is an opportunity for families, friends and communities to come together and enjoy themselves.
What Is World Snow Day? - Why is World Snow Day celebrated?

How to celebrate World Snow Day

There are many ways to celebrate World Snow Day. Here are some ideas to help you make the most of it:

  • Participate in local events: in countries with ski resorts, special activities are organized such as free ski or snowboard lessons, races, snowman contests and much more. Check if there are events in your region and join in with your family or friends.
  • Organize outdoor activities: if you are lucky enough to live in a place with snow, organize simple-but-fun activities such as hikes, sled races, building snow forts or snow games.
  • Learn about snow and its environmental importance: World Snow Day is also an ideal time to learn about the role of snow in the environment. You can participate in talks, workshops or educational activities related to the protection of these ecosystems.
  • Promote winter sports: if you already practice sports like skiing or snowboarding, use this date to share your passion. Invite someone who has never tried it and teach them or give them a demonstration to encourage them to give it a try.
  • Share information on social media: another way to participate in this day is by using different social media to spread information about World Snow Day. Share photos, stories or tips about snow activities using hashtags like #WorldSnowDay.

If you want to learn more about raising awareness for important causes, you can check out our article on when is World Efficiency Day and when is World Animal Day celebrated?

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  • Masiokas, M., Villalba, R., Pitte, P., Ruiz, L., Cara, L., & Toum, E. (2020). Hydrology: snow is Mendoza's essential water resource.
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What Is World Snow Day?