Plant care and cultivation

How to Plant a Walnut Tree From a Nut

Editorial staff
By Editorial staff. Updated: October 23, 2024
How to Plant a Walnut Tree From a Nut

With the scientific name Juglans regia, the common walnut is a large fruit tree that is highly appreciated not only for its large size and beautiful aesthetic appearance, but also for its valuable fruits. From these fruits we derive walnuts, one of the most popular nuts all over the world thanks to its extraordinary nutritional properties. This is not to mention the fact they are absolutely delicious.

If you want to enjoy the shade of a walnut tree and your own walnuts, keep reading thedailyECO. We provide the complete guide on how to plant a walnut tree from a nut.

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  1. When is the best time to plant a walnut tree?
  2. Where is the best place to plant a walnut tree?
  3. How to plant a walnut tree from a walnut nut
  4. How to plant a walnut tree from a branch cutting
  5. How long does the walnut tree take to bear fruit?

When is the best time to plant a walnut tree?

The best time to plant a walnut tree is always in the fall. However, it is vital the walnut nuts have gone through a cold period in order to germinate properly. If you have been able to keep them outside during the winter, it should be sufficient for planting a new walnut tree. If this is not the case or you do not know if your nuts have been exposed to the cold, it will be enough to store them for 3 months in the fridge. Always do so inside an airtight bag to avoid problems with fungus or humidity.

You may wonder if you can plant a walnut from a store-bought nut. Unfortunately, it is not possible to plant new trees from supermarket walnuts or from any other place where they are sold as a food product. This is because the treatment, processing and even cooking these nuts endure mean a new walnut tree will not grow from these nuts. If you want to grow a walnut tree from a nut, go to a nursery or even pick them from an existing walnut tree if one is available to you.

Where is the best place to plant a walnut tree?

After that necessary cooling period, you have the option of planting a potted walnut tree or planting a walnut tree in the ground. This is a very deep-rooted tree that does not well tolerate transplanting. It is very common to plant the nuts directly in their desired final location, if you are able to keep them safe from birds, squirrels or other threats.

If you still choose to germinate the walnut in more controlled environment, you can do so in one of the many types of containers and pots devised for easy transportation to soil. These pots allow you to start to germination of the seed in the ideal conditions for their growth and them move the seedling without damaging it.

Regarding the location of your new walnut tree, it is very important to choose it carefully. The leaves and roots of the tree are poisonous to other plants, this being one of the several trees that use this strategy to avoid having to compete for soil nutrients or light. Plant the walnut tree where you don't want grass or other plants. In addition, don't use its leaves for compost or fertilizer of any kind.

Find a location in direct sunlight and, if possible, in nutrient-rich, well-draining soil. Ensure the soil is not too sandy. Before planting anything, you must prepare the soil, stirring it thoroughly several days in advance. You will also need to water it suitably to provide moisture to the soil.

If you don't have access to a garden, planting a walnut tree is not a good idea. It will want to grow larger than the confines of your indoor area. For this reason, you may be interested in growing indoor plants that develop in water.

How to Plant a Walnut Tree From a Nut - Where is the best place to plant a walnut tree?

How to plant a walnut tree from a walnut nut

Once you have your walnut refrigerated or it has been suitably cooled, plant it in the prepared soil and at the right time about 7 cm (3") underground. You can make this first planting in mature compost, mixed with peat and a little bit of worm castings. If you are going to plant more than one walnut tree, keep at least 20 feet of separation between each one of them.

You can plant the walnut closed or open, always facing the sharp part upwards. If you open it, the plant will germinate more easily. At the same time, you will run the risk of damaging it and it will be less protected, so the decision is in your hands. In any case, these can take between 4 months and a year to fertilize, so you should not be in a hurry.

Water abundantly after planting and maintain adequate levels of irrigation, always without oversaturating the substrate of the walnut seed. If you have planted from a seedling or are transplanting, it is vital to be extremely careful with the delicate roots of the tree and not to clump the soil.

If you want to make sure you have the best soil for germination, find out how you can make your own worm castings at home.

How to plant a walnut tree from a branch cutting

Now you know how to grow a walnut tree from a nut, you may be interested in growing one from a branch cutting. Walnut cuttings are also planted in autumn, at temperatures of around 68 ºF/20 ºC. Take your branch or cutting, well washed and slightly damp, and store it in a dry space. Roll it up in absorbent paper within an airtight bag. In about 3 months you should be able to see very small roots or buds on the cutting, which will then be ready to plant.

Make a hole in the ground for half of the cutting to enter, again being very careful not to damage the tender roots. Then, add the necessary soil to give it stability without weighing it down or damaging it. Keep the soil moist regularly until the cutting gains strength. Follow the same information above once the branch cutting has been planted appropriately.

How to Plant a Walnut Tree From a Nut - How to plant a walnut tree from a branch cutting

How long does the walnut tree take to bear fruit?

The common walnut, also known as Persian walnut, English walnut or Madeira walnut, is a slow-growing tree. There is a Spanish saying that claims:

A grandfather may plant a walnut tree, but it is the grandson who will harvest its nuts

A walnut tree can take up to 30 years to reach its maximum production, although between 5 and 7 years of age, they can start bearing some fruit. Others can delay their first fruiting until beyond their first decade of life.

If you want to find other ways to decorate your garden around your new walnut tree, you might want to take a look at our list of the best flowering plants for your home or garden.

If you want to read similar articles to How to Plant a Walnut Tree From a Nut, we recommend you visit our Plant care and cultivation category.

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How to Plant a Walnut Tree From a Nut