Electromagnetic Pollution - Causes and Consequences

Electromagnetic pollution is type of pollution that is caused by electromagnetic activity. Considered a type of electrosmog, it electromagnetic radiation that has negative consequences on the environment. This includes the people, animals and ecosystems within it. Although electromagnetic radiation is normal when used correctly, there are ways that it can be used to contaminate ecosystems. It is when this occurs that it becomes electromagnetic pollution. thedailyECO discovers more by finding out the causes and consequences of electromagnetic pollution.
What is electromagnetic pollution?
Electromagnetic pollution is defined as the excessive presence of radiation from any electromagnetic spectrum. With the increasing size of our telecommunication systems, electromagnetic radiation (EMR) creates varying levels of electrosmog. There are normal levels of electromagnetic radiation everywhere in our environment, although we cannot see them. When this EMR reaches dangerous levels or intensities it causes problems.
When living organisms are exposed to prolonged or high levels of electromagnetic pollution, it can have varying effects. Exactly what effects occur is not completely understood and our increasing reliance on electromagnetic radiation means we need to study its effects to a greater detail.
For this reason, there is no clear and definitive evidence of the effect electromagnetic pollution has on us and our environment[1]. There are theories that claim that electromagnetic fields can affect the well-being and reproduction of living beings. According to these hypotheses, electromagnetic fields do manage to produce these imbalance effects in living beings. However, there are certain levels of electromagnetic radiation which occur in nature and can be found in our own bodies.

Causes of electromagnetic pollution
There are several sources that are capable of generating this type of contamination. Most of these sources come from human activity and, above all, the greater the technological advancement of society. For this reason, it is considered a modern form of pollution. Learn more about how our actions create different forms of pollution with our article on the types of environmental impact.
Although not all sources are known, some of the causes of electrosmog or electromagnetic pollution may include:
- Telephone antennas
- Wifi connections
- High voltage lines
- Electricity substations
- Transformation centers
- WLAN connections
- Radar systems
- Bluetooth connections
Possible effects and consequences of electromagnetic pollution
As we have stated, the effects produced by this type of pollution are not yet fully defined. In fact, some previous theories about their impact have been debunked. However, further study is required to qualify the problem. According to studies carried out so far, some of the potential consequences of electrosmog may include:
- Neurological problems: some examples of these problems can be asthenia, tremors, irritability, migraine and others.
- Cardiovascular alterations: it is thought that this type of contamination may cause variations in blood pressure, heart rate or changes in peripheral circulation.
- Reproductive problems: it may be able to modify menstrual cycles in women, which can cause infertility problems and pregnancy problems. Also, they may decrease sexual libido.
- Development of cancer or tumors: we know that radiation is one of the factors that affect the DNA of cells. Exposure to high radiation can affect when it comes to predisposing to the development of tumors.
- Hormonal problems: radiation may cause changes in the production of sex hormones. In addition, living beings are capable of adapting their biological cycles to the time of day, through the hormone melatonin. Radiation can affect the production of this hormone, producing associated alterations.
- Dermatological problems: such as dermatitis or skin allergies.
- Problems in the immune system: these problems can predispose to the development of infectious diseases or tumors.
- Headaches, headaches or migraines: overexposure to EMR may cause brain issues which can lead to headaches.
We must qualify that these are potential consequences. Most of the changes EMR causes to cells are when the electromagnetic radiation is localized and at very high amounts, such as what occurs with radiation therapy for cancers. There is no conclusive evidence that current rates of EMR directly causes these problems. This may change in the future, especially as its usage has significantly increased.

Possible solutions to electromagnetic pollution or electrosmog
It is known that there are several possible solutions to reduce or reduce this type of pollution and its effects on living beings. Some of these solutions to reduce electrosmog include:
- Reduce the presence of telecommunication antennas, urban transformers or high voltage lines and towers in the vicinity of our work or home area.
- Reduce the use of mobile phones for as long as necessary. Prevent young children from using mobile phones.
- Don't place devices such as microwaves, ovens, washing machines or boilers near the bedroom, since these devices emit radiation, even if they are not active.
- Monitor and check the electromagnetic emissions of our devices.
- Reduce the use of some materials such as granite, basalt, ceramic or stoneware, as they are a source of radon gas, which emits radiation.
- Reduce the use of air conditioning, since it is also a source of electromagnetic radiation.
- Reduce the use of materials such as carpet, countertops or some fabrics, as they are a great source of static electricity.
- Do not place electrical devices on the bedside table such as charging mobiles or radio alarm clocks, since they emit electromagnetic radiation while we sleep. The use of electric beds and electric blankets may be best avoided.
- Try not to use laptops, laptops or tablets directly resting on our legs.
These are small things we can do at home, but the real problem with electromagnetic pollution is that which is created on an industrial and global scale. Although the problem is not yet fully understood, ensuring responsible use in telecommunications and other forms of electronic production mean we can better safeguard the future.
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1. Redlarski, G., Lewczuk, B., Żak, A., Koncicki, A., Krawczuk, M., Piechocki, J., Jakubiuk, K., Tojza, P., Jaworski, J., Ambroziak, D., Skarbek, Ł., & Gradolewski, D. (2015). The influence of electromagnetic pollution on living organisms: historical trends and forecasting changes. BioMed research international, 2015, 234098. https://doi.org/10.1155/2015/234098