Environment (other)

How to Protect Nature's Ecosystems

Editorial staff
By Editorial staff. December 1, 2022
How to Protect Nature's Ecosystems

It is easy to feel helpless when it comes to protecting our world's ecosystems. Corporations and industries which pollute and destroy on a large scale can make our own contributions can seem pointless. While it is true that individual responsibility will only get us so far in terms of conservation, it is not true that it has no impact. There are over 8 billion individuals on our planet. When every individual changes their habits to be more ecological, it will truly change the world. It is through our combined effort that we will know how to protect nature's ecosystems.

Although lobbying governments and changing business practices are major factors in how to stop climate change and protect fragile ecosystems, thedailyECO shares some practical tips to help save the environment.

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  1. How to protect the environment
  2. How to conserve water and energy
  3. Reduce, reuse and recycle - the three ‘Rs’
  4. Respect and conserve species and ecosystems
  5. Why protect nature?

How to protect the environment

Environmental protection is a responsibility which we all bear. Modern life has made us consumers as never before and it is impossible to not consume to some degree. This does not mean we should be wanton in our behaviors, especially when it comes to the world's limited resources.

To help protect nature, we need to ensure we do not deplete it. This means we cannot rely on fossil fuels, we need to limit the amount of energy we consume and we have to protect the resources our planet needs to thrive. In doing so, we can benefit all members of given ecosystems. If we do not, we humans won't have much left to protect. Here are some of the basic means by which we can protect the environment:

  • Save water, reduce its consumption and reuse it where possible. This includes small things like shutting off the faucet between brushes, as well as larger conservation of water such as finding better ways to irrigate the garden.
  • Turn off lights and electronics when not in use. This includes unplugging devices overnight and not charging needlessly.
  • Support legislative changes to stop reliance on fossil fuels and encourage use of renewable energies. We can also use solar panels on our homes.
  • Use low-polluting public transport and only drive when necessary.
  • Reduce, reuse and recycle.
  • Consume food responsibly.
  • Carry out nature and sustainable tourism activities to know, respect and conserve biodiversity and ecosystems. Sometimes this means limiting our travel.

How to conserve water and energy

You may have heard the phrase ‘think global, act local’ when applied to food. Buying local produce and relying less on conglomerated food industries is definitely helpful in conserving our world's resources. We can also apply this mindset to many different areas of our lives. It is especially important when we think of the amount of water and energy we use.

For example, many of us take it for granted that we have clean water and an endless supply of electricity. There are parts of the world where clean water is scarce and one source claims that 40% of the world does not have access to clean fuels for cooking[1]. By reducing our impact in the places with more, we can help those with less. Here are some practical tips to do so:

  • Shut off faucets when not using water, even between brushing your teeth.
  • Shower instead of bathing.
  • Reuse domestic water where possible and sanitary.
  • Make the most of the hours of sunshine and do not turn lights on needlessly.
  • Use low energy light bulbs.
  • Do not leave electrical devices plugged in when not in use.
  • Use public transport, cycling and walking and take the train instead of the plane whenever possible.
  • Encourage the use of renewable energy as opposed to fossil fuels .
How to Protect Nature's Ecosystems - How to conserve water and energy

Reduce, reuse and recycle - the three ‘Rs’

The famous initiative of the rule of the 3 Rs of ecology was proposed by the environmentalist NGO Greenpeace. It has since been spread around the world, becoming a maxim which is applied to larger societies, as well as the individual. For those of us who want to know how to protect nature, the three Rs are a basic guiding principle. Here are some practical ways we can apply it to our everyday lives:

  • Reduce: we must reduce our overall consumption of resources, something which involves our obligation to choose sustainable and responsible consumption. We also need to encourage the purchase of ecological and low-mileage products, as well as reduce the consumption of meat in our diet. Buying products which use less packaging is important. We also need to promote sustainable fashion, buying new items only when we really need them. Reduction of the emission of different types of pollutants in nature is done by avoiding the use of aerosols and fertilizers, among other harmful chemicals.

  • Reuse: give a second life to everything you buy. Sometimes which requires us to repair or modify them, allowing them to continue to be uses. A big, but complicated part of this is to fight against the planned obsolescence of many electronic products.

  • Recycling: it is also necessary to develop daily recycling habits for all kinds of materials. This includes things we can recycle ourselves such as oil and paper, but we also need to recycle products at local recycling stations. These include batteries, light bulbs, ink cartridges, pharmaceutical materials and electrical appliances, as well as the elimination of waste paper, cardboard, packaging and glass in the appropriate containers. Remember to opt for composting to avoid the emission of harmful gases from incineration when non-biodegradable waste is treated in landfills.

Respect and conserve species and ecosystems

Environmental education brings us closer to the essential values for loving and respecting nature. We can only do this through knowledge, appreciation and conservation of each of various ecosystems and the individuals which live within them.

We have busy lives, but many of us are able to take advantage of our free time and holidays to carry out activities which help protect nature. This can include volunteering, as well as simply learning how ecosystems work. We can also engage in sustainable tourism through visiting natural parks, biosphere reserves and protected areas, as well as nature reserves and botanical gardens.

Wherever you go, you must put in place certain actions to conserve and respect ecosystems, animals and plants, such as:

  • Do not cause fires and do not throw your cigarette butts in nature.
  • Do not uproot plants and above all do not alter natural ecosystems.
  • Do not mistreat animals and do not refuse to participate in activities related to animal suffering.
  • Participate in environmental activities such as collective reforestation, garbage collection on beaches and trails, etc.
How to Protect Nature's Ecosystems - Respect and conserve species and ecosystems

Why protect nature?

We must remember that nature can survive without our presence, but we cannot survive without nature. Changing our behavior is not something we do to make ourselves feel better. It is simply the appropriate response to an emergency situation. It is only through change that future generations will be able to survive and enjoy a healthy planet.

All species on the planet are like pieces of a puzzle that fit together perfectly through mutually beneficial ecological relationships. We must fight for the protection of all species and all ecosystems that exist in nature. We have in our hands the option to live in harmony with nature and not to upset the balance in which all life on our planet holds itself. If we don't choose this option, everything that has required millions of years of evolution can be destroyed in a few decades of irrational human exploitation.

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1. Ritchie, H., Roser, M., & Rosado, P. (2022). Access to Energy. Retrieved from: https://ourworldindata.org/energy

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How to Protect Nature's Ecosystems