Meteorological phenomena

What Is the Atmospheric Electrical Phenomenon?

German Portillo
By German Portillo. March 26, 2024
What Is the Atmospheric Electrical Phenomenon?

The Earth's atmosphere crackles with unseen energy. Atmospheric electrical phenomena refer to the natural electrical processes that occur within the Earth's atmosphere. This encompasses a wide range of electrical activity, from the dramatic discharges of lightning to the more subtle ongoing processes that influence the electrical properties of the air.

In the following article by thedailyECO, we explain the concept of atmospheric electrical phenomena, specifically addressing the most frequently observed occurrences.

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  1. What is atmospheric electricity?
  2. Types of atmospheric electricity phenomena
  3. Lightning
  4. Thunder
  5. Polar lights or auroras
  6. Saint Elmo's Fire

What is atmospheric electricity?

Atmospheric electricity encompasses the electrical phenomena occurring within the Earth's atmosphere. It results from the interaction between various physical processes.

As air molecules move and collide, they can undergo ionization, producing electrically charged particles known as ions.

Furthermore, during the formation of clouds through the condensation of water vapor, friction between water droplets and ice crystals facilitates the separation of electrical charges.

Moreover, the upper atmosphere interacts with high-energy particles from the sun, thereby intensifying the process of ionization.

Want to know more about how clouds form? Check out this article for a detailed explanation

Types of atmospheric electricity phenomena

These processes lead to the separation of positive and negative electrical charges within the atmosphere and between the atmosphere and the Earth's surface. This creates an electrical field that can discharge in various ways, including:

  • Lightning
  • Thunder
  • Auroras
  • St. Elmo's Fire

Atmospheric electricity plays a role in atmospheric processes, but its influence on climate is minor compared to other factors. However, powerful lightning strikes can disrupt power grids and damage electronic equipment.

In the following sections, we will explore each of these processes in more detail.


Lightning is a rapid discharge of electricity in the atmosphere. This natural phenomenon results from the buildup and separation of electrical charges within clouds or between clouds and the ground.

Air movement and moisture within clouds play a key role in lightning formation. Convection currents and collisions between water droplets and ice crystals cause electrical charges to separate. Positive charges accumulate in the upper cloud regions, while negative charges concentrate in the center and lower portions. Additionally, the storm cloud can even influence the ground below, inducing a positive charge on the earth's surface.

As this charge separation intensifies, an invisible electrical field builds within the cloud and between the cloud and the ground. Air normally acts as an insulator, preventing these charges from simply discharging. However, this electrical tension continues to increase.

When the electrical field reaches a critical threshold, the pent-up energy can no longer be contained. A rapid discharge of electricity, known as lightning, occurs to neutralize the imbalances. This discharge can travel within a single cloud (intra-cloud), between clouds (inter-cloud), or from cloud to ground (most dramatic).

The path of the lightning discharge becomes a scorching channel of intense heat. The electrical current heats the air to extremely high temperatures, causing it to expand very rapidly. This rapid expansion creates the shock wave heard as thunder.

Lightning can manifest in various forms. The branching pattern commonly observed is called forked lightning, a result of the discharge taking multiple paths. Bead lightning, sheet lightning, and ribbon lightning are less frequent variations, each with distinct visual characteristics.

Curious about whether trees attract lightning? This other article has the answer.

What Is the Atmospheric Electrical Phenomenon? - Lightning


Thunder is the audible companion to lightning during an electrical storm. It's a pressure wave, or shock wave, produced by the rapid heating and expansion of air around the lightning channel.

When lightning strikes, it creates an intense electrical current that heats the surrounding air to incredibly high temperatures, exceeding 30,000 degrees Celsius in some cases. This extreme heat causes the air to expand very rapidly, much faster than the surrounding air can adjust.

This rapid expansion creates a pressure wave, or shockwave, that travels outward from the lightning channel. As this shockwave reaches our ears, we perceive it as the loud crack or boom of thunder.

Since the speed of sound is much slower than the speed of light, we see the lightning flash before we hear the thunder. By counting the seconds between the flash and the boom, and considering the speed of sound (approximately 343 meters per second), we can estimate the distance of the lightning strike. Roughly speaking, every three seconds between the light and sound corresponds to a distance of one kilometer.

What Is the Atmospheric Electrical Phenomenon? - Thunder

Polar lights or auroras

Polar lights, also known as aurora australis in the south and aurora borealis in the north, are natural phenomena visible in Earth's polar regions. These light displays are caused by the interaction between charged particles from the sun and Earth's magnetic field.

The sun constantly emits a stream of charged particles, primarily electrons and protons, called the solar wind. When this wind reaches Earth, it interacts with our magnetosphere, the region of space dominated by Earth's magnetic field. This magnetic field acts as a shield, deflecting most of the solar wind particles.

However, some of the charged particles, mainly electrons, are channeled along Earth's magnetic field lines towards the poles. These energetic particles collide with atoms and molecules, primarily oxygen and nitrogen, in Earth's upper atmosphere.

These collisions transfer energy to the atmospheric gases. As the excited atoms and molecules return to their original energy state, they release this energy in the form of light, creating the auroras. The specific colors observed depend on the type of gas that's been energized and the altitude of the collision. Oxygen emissions typically result in green and red hues, while nitrogen produces blues and violets.

What Is the Atmospheric Electrical Phenomenon? - Polar lights or auroras

Saint Elmo's Fire

St. Elmo's fire is a weather phenomenon involving electrical discharge. It appears as a faint glow or luminous plasma on pointed objects like ship masts or tall structures during thunderstorms.

During a thunderstorm, an electrical charge difference exists between a charged cloud and a grounded object, such as a ship's mast. As the electric field around the object intensifies, air molecules become ionized.

When ionization reaches a critical point, a visible electrical current forms. This current manifests as a flickering blue or violet light, often described as a "flame" dancing on the pointed object.

St. Elmo's fire is most commonly seen on ships at sea during severe thunderstorms, where the risk of lightning strikes is high. However, it can also occur on land near tall, pointed structures during electrical storms.

To learn more about the fascinating phenomenon of St. Elmo's fire, check out this other article.

What Is the Atmospheric Electrical Phenomenon? - Saint Elmo's Fire

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What Is the Atmospheric Electrical Phenomenon?